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Crime Prevention

Crime is a big problem at Central Park! There are many problems with property destruction including graffiti, vandalism, and litter. According to, Property Crime is the the largest crime problem in Lewisville, Texas. The littler harms animals, and it destroys the condition of the park. Central park is becoming too be dangerous for people to be there. People drink and smoke at th, disobeying the signs that inform you not to. Central Park seems to be full of crime, and that's what we look to fix with the program!

Central Park Improvement
By: Michelle Eze
July 17, 2012 10:33 a.m.

I am a student from Marshall Durham Middle School working on trying to make Central Park a better place for you and community. For the last two weeks I have become interested in helping make a difference because I have been attending Camp Durham, a summer program at my middle school. We are trying to save Central Park in Lewisville, Texas. Central Park is turning into a disaster with danger and liter everywhere. In order to save it, we are hoping to make you aware of problems in the park. To fix many of these problems, we would like to create a neighborhood watch.

As you know, Central park is a place where kids can be free and play, have fun, and just hang out. But, how can kids play with litter and danger everywhere? By creating a neighborhood watch, we can keep our park safe and danger free.

If you have more questions about Central Park, go to and they would explain to you everything that happens there and what we could do to help keep Central Park clean and danger free!

Thank you for reading. Please try and help make a change!

You live in this community... shouldn't you be doing your part to make it a better place?

Begin a Neighborhood Watch

Increase Police Enforcement

Dear Chief Kerbow, Assistant Chief Taylor, and Assistant Chief Galler  
I am David Hernandez, a student at Marshal Durham Middle school. Over the last week, I have been attending Camp Durham. We have been researching Central Park and how we can make it a safer place. I am sending you this letter because I know you have the authority to help make Central Park safe for the kids in our community.
There are quite a few problems with the safety of the park. People can see graffiti on the underside of the bridge, on signs, and on the playground equipment. There are also people who do drugs and drink alcohol under the bride at night. Worst of all, minors use the park after school as a place to resolve fights. 
We would like to see a more lush and beautiful Central Park for future generations. To do this, additional police patrols should be enforced in the park. Police officers on bicycles and officers on foot can patrol under the bridge and the walking trails in the woods. Additionally, if officers are on duty in the park, they can write citations for illegal activity including fighting, littering, drug use, and vandalism. We are aware that police officers drive by occasionally to scan the park for activity, but they are unable to see things happening within the wooded areas.
In addition to increased police monitoring, we would like to see undercover officers working diligently to gather information from park patrons about gang activity and drug use. We feel this is can help stop violence in our community and make people living in Lewisville feel safer.
Chief Kerbow, Assistant Chief Taylor, and Assistant Chief Galler,  we would like to ask you if you could help us with our solution to help make Central Park a safer place. The only way we can accomplish this is by providing police patrols to Central Park.
In conclusion, I ask you if you could help us find some willing police officers who are able to patrol Central Park more closely.
David Hernandez
Student at Marshal Durham Middle School

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